Username not accepting but accepting .com Bigpond email

Bigpond email or commonly known as Telstra mail, is one of the most successful email service providers based in Australia.  The features and services provided by the company are also well considered as they are very reliable. The protection wall of Bigpond mail ensures that there will not be any kind of data breaches and information of users is kept safe and secure. For the betterment of internet users, Telstra launched the Bigpond email to provide email services. Moreover, the services provided by the company are most likely to be smooth and very efficient and do not have major issues.

As there are few problems on Bigpond email, one of the rare and uncommonly report the problem by the customer of Telstra mail is that the username of user is not accepting but accepting .com. As the different companies require different needs. Most Australian companies prefer .com as a better option.  The main reason behind companies preferring the .com domain is that it is cheaper in comparison with other domains, but the only downside of .com is that all the good names for your website are already taken as the registration process is easy.  Most of the time, this problem is caused due to server down problems and mismatching login credentials. We will be discussing the possible solution for the issue raised. The steps involved in resolving this issue are mentioned as follows.

Try to reset the password

After resetting the password used should be able to resolve the issue. If not, then there might be Bigpond email’s server down. This could be a possible reason for the issue as well. As you cannot resolve the issue caused by the server down, you need to contact the support center for help.

These are the possible reasons and their solution for the issue where username does not accept as but accepts as .com. If there is any kind of issue raised, feel free to contact the Bigpond Helpdesk Number team.

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