+61 (3) 70440719 Unable to Receive emails from Bigpond Account

Sometimes users are unable to receive emails from the Bigpond account, which may have caused due to various reasons and technical difficulties. Here are some of the possible reasons behind the issue and their solution, as mentioned below.

  • A user should check their internet connection’s working state if it is working or not.
  • A user must be aware that the entered user id and password are correct and matching. If those are incorrect, then a user should reset the password and recover their account from the login page.
  • If a user is consuming the service on their mobile phones, then all the email settings must be up to date. The settings for emails varyon different mobile devices.
  • A user must setup their mobile phones for Telstra mail simply by searching the name of their device or model number and then selecting messaging and email, and then setting up the mobile with Telstra mail option.

If the problem is with Microsoft outlook, then take a look at the suggestions mentioned below.

  • If a user is using the new Mail experience on outlook, then go to the toolbar option, there click on the setting button and then select view all settings for outlook.
  • A user must select synchronize email in order to see all the connected accounts.
  • A user must check the details for all the connected accounts that are not currently in a working state and fix the issue.
  • If a user is using the classic version of outlook, then go to the toolbar option and then click on the setting option and then mail followed by connected accounts.
  • Do the same process as new outlook again.

These are the possible solution for that user who is facing problems related to not being able to receive the emails from the Bigpond account. To know more, please refer to the Bigpond Customer Service department.

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