How to set up Web Accessibility and Screen Reader Functionality for Telstra Mail?

Telstra mail or Bigpond mail is a telecommunication company where it also provides users with a Bigpond Webmail service. The company is very well reputed and users have loved the service offered by the company, the organization is located in Australia which has users around the world. Email is one of the most used services due to its simplicity and fast email delivery features. Even though it is a simple medium, it is the standard way of communicating with other people. Every other field of work uses email to complete their day-to-day work. And when it comes to Bigpond mail, it makes the user experience better.If you are looking/searching the web for a genuine email client then choose no other than Bigpond mail. The process for getting started is easy, there are only a couple of steps that users will have to follow, and the email account will be created right away. If users require help with any sort of using Bigpond mail such as creating an account, recovering suspended/forgotten password or other then kindly give us a ring at Technical Support.

It is very necessary to keep the account safe after users have created their email account. From the developer’s side, there will be no such case where due to a security breach the accounts data is stolen or hacked. But if users are not careful about storing a strong password and regularly changing it then there could be a high chance the account could get hacked. Not to worry as there are the case if users have stored an easy password which is vulnerable. It is always that users store a strong complicated passwords and change them frequently. If there is a case where the user has forgotten their password then head to the sign-in page and click on Forgot Password link. If you require any sort of support for recovering the password for Bigpond then contact Customer Care.

Bigpond comes with great features where users can setup web accessibility, these features were specially designed for people with disabilities who will be able to access tools, websites can be done easily. Also, users will be able to setup screen reading functionality.In the following section, we will be looking at the steps for setting up web accessibility and screen reading for Telstra mail. Follow the steps given in the points below.

Setting up in Android- Using device setting

  • On the users devices head to Settings.
  • The tap on Accessibility and head to Talkback
  • Turn on the button for Use TalkBack.
  • After making changes, select Ok.

Setting up in Android- Using Google Assistant

  • Users will simply have to say “Hey Google”
  • Then give a command to turn off TalkBack. “Turn Off”

With the given steps users will be able to setup Web Accessibility and Screen Reader Functionality for Telstra Mail. For more on Telstra mail kindly contact to Telstra customer Support Number.

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