How to fix an unauthenticated traffic limit error in Bigpond mail?

If the users are facing issues regarding “unauthenticated traffic limit error” in their Bigpond mail, then there may be an issue with the authentication or security settings. The users can follow this guidelines step to resolve the issues:

1)      Check username and password: The users should be assured that the username and password which they are using to enter a Bigpond email account is accurate. Sometimes there can be slight mistakes while entering password, so always double check it before logging in. The users have to update their email client settings if the password has been changed recently.

2)      Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Sometimes if the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is not activated then the users have to face issue in unauthenticated traffic limit error. Enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) will help the users by adding extra layer of security.

3)      Update Email client settings: The users have to check and make sure that the email client settings are properly configured. The incoming and outgoing addresses, port as well encryption settings should be in correct order.

4)      Check account Status: The users must check if there Bigpond account hasn’t been suspended. Sometimes there is a limited period provided by the Bigpond service so the users have to verify and get connected to Bigpond customer care for information.

5)      Verify security settings: To use secure SSL/TLS for both incoming and outgoing servers the users have to ensure that the email client which they are using is set up properly.

6)      Reset account password: After changing the newly created password, the users should reset their Bigpond account password and update in their email client settings.

7)      Review account security settings: The users have to check for the security settings in their Bigpond account to make sure that the connection is not affected. It includes a setting which is related to app permissions or third-party access.

8)      Check for service outages: The users have to check whether there are any service outages or maintenance durations affecting the Bigpond email. The users can get the information on the service provider’s website or through Bigpond customer care.

9)      Review error message: The users have to be alert when receiving any specific error message, this error message can be a hint to know the nature of the problem and be useful in resolving the issue.

If the users have tried the above steps and still the issues persist, consider getting in touch with Bigpond Customer Care for assistance. They will provide you sufficient guidance and information based on the current status of their account which results to breakdown the issue and resolves it. 

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