Can we keep a Telstra email address if we close my Telstra account?

It is very normal these days to look for simple and genuine service on the web as well in our daily lives. Here we are referring to communication medium which nowadays has become fancy. It is up to the user which social media platform they prefer to use. As a majority, email service is the most used medium for receiving and sending information.Email service is simple, fast, and secure there is no need for such technical background to get started with the service.With simple instructions,the user will be able to navigate and make changes to their account. Now after we decide onan email service, we will have to make a decision for which email client we will be using. For that users can get started with Bigpond mail. The email client is a genuine service provider which has a good reputation for its best service and application delivery. If users have any questionsabout Bigpond mail then there is a service especially launched, Support Service which will provide all necessary information about Bigpond mail.

Now lets us head into some of the features which are offered by Bigpond mail. The mentioned features are included with the Bigpond mail account, users will not have to pay extra money to use the services. There are loads of features, trust me, and all the features are designed according to the requirement needed for users. So whatever you will be looking at, everything will be very useful. So heading on to the details of the feature, Bigpond provides with creating a folder on the email account where users can transfer their emails and manage them. It is very hard to manage all the emails at a common point, the following features will surely help the user. The next feature offered by Bigpond mail is setting personal POP and IMAP server. Bigpond also offers a service for commercial users, so to run the email on an entire building, Bigpond mail can be set up.Users who are interested in learning more about the feature offered by Bigpond in detail can contact Customer Care.

There was a discussion which was done on the Bigpond mail account, users were talking about their email account. What would happen to their email account after they close the account. Since Bigpond mail is a paid email client, once the user has closed their email account the account will be suspended. After the account is suspended users will not be able to operate or access their email account. Then users will not be able to send or receive emails on the following account. If users wish to re-activate their email account then contacting to Bigpond Technical Support, the experts willprovide information on how to get back the old Bigpond mail account.

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