Telstra has provided its genuine service for about 13 years. In that period of time, we have used the same email address for using the Dial-up all the way to Bigpond Broadband. There were issues in the following time when linking the new and old way how they performed the task. Now it has moved forward taking a big step moving to NBN business plan. And for the question, if users can keep their Bigpond email address with NBN, yes users can keep their email for free, but the time period is up to 12 months. After a year of using the mail address, users will have to make the additional payment. If users are not sure about the change then all of the necessary details can be received from the Customer Center.
Technical Service is working hard on making users adapt to the new changes. In the planning, if users do change or switch into the NBM plans users will be able to get the email address as a part of the package. NBN is working on providing users with the best internet services at the very best price.We never want Netflix to work slow, or don’t want a lag experience when we are online gaming.
Looking at the description of keeping Bigpond email with NBN after using it for a year. There are details which users should be aware of, NBN service is a stand-alone paid service. The service allows users to retain their current email without having any of the eligible Telstra Services. After getting involved with NBN the service must be paid upfront for about 12 months and the payment is not refundable. Users can learn about the Minimum term connecting with Customer Support. Later users will have no confusion or problem related to it. The service will include paid email, the user will have one mailbox with either @bigpond.com or bigpond.net.au or @telstra.com username.
Details of the pricing for the service is for a 12 month in which there will be a charge for each mailbox according to the subscription. And as mentioned before, once the service has been paid there will be no refunds. Heading to installation and setup, users’ mailbox will carry on to work when taking away from a consumer’s broadband email service to the paid email. If paid email is selected by the user, then it will operate as usual. If users require further support on setting up their email, then don’t forget about contacting Technical Support.
After getting the service users can manage with their online service at telstra.com/myaccount. Talking about data allowance, while having the paid email service there is no such data allowance involved but data usage may count into taking charge. In any case, if users want to make a complaint or want further investigations about the service then connect with the Bigpond Customer Service Number.