Bigpond Mail Not Working After Changing ISP

Due to weak internet or bad connection or unhappy service by internet cause change in internet service. Switching your Internet Service Provider (ISP) can affect how you use your Bigpond webmail account. After this transition, some users may find themselves unable to send or receive emails specially in mail applications like outlook 365, mac mail or thunderbird etc and this is annoying, particularly if you depend on mail for professional or casual connections with contacts. Let’s discuss the problem and it solution in detail.
Why Changing ISP Affects Bigpond Mail
Upon switching your ISP, you change providers, which directly impacts your internet connection settings. Bigpond email has its unique server settings for it to be work. If you do not update these settings, then there are chances that your email will stop working fully or partially and give you error like email mail delivery failed . It needs to be argued that some ISPs block certain outgoing mail ports with the intent of stopping spam, which can seriously impact your ability to send emails via Bigpond.
Check Your Email Settings
If you suspect that something is wrong with your email, then the first thing you need to do is verify the email settings. Also, if your Bigpond email was operational before switching ISPs, you’re most likely experiencing problems around the new settings you’ve been provided. Below are the most important details that you need to alter:
● Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): When it comes to sending emails, the server is pretty straight forward: is the address that will get the job done.
● Incoming Mail Server (IMAP/POP3): You are also required to pay attention to the server that you have been assigned. For those of you who use IMAP, you need, and while using POP3, you need
Ports Number Assigned:
● IMAP: 993 (With SSL) For Incoming
● POP3: 995 (With SSL) For Incoming
● SMTP: 465 or 587 (With SSL) For Outgoing
Remember to select that you have SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) enabled on your email client. If you do not know how to access these features, you may find them in your email client under the account settings or visit official website for guidance.
Confirm Your Network Connectivity
Your internet could be working perfectly for browsing various domains, but your service provider may have some limitations regarding the use of email. Sometime internet service providers disable outbound mail on port 25 because it is often used to send unsolicited commercial emails. If you have been using port 25 with SMTP, it is advisable to switch to ports 465 or 587, as they are more secure and recommended for sending emails in settings.

an the event that adjusting the port does not help, you may reach out to your new service provider to confirm if there are any limitations placed on email services. Some service providers make it mandatory to use their SMTP server rather than Bigpond’s. In that case, you will need to change the outgoing mail server settings with the provided details.
Attempt Accessing Webmail
If you are having issues trying to send or receive an email through an email client, for example, Outlook, Thunderbird, or Apple Mail, try logging into Bigpond Webmail via a browser. Head on to Telstra email login site and input your information. If the issue is with the email client rather than the Bigpond account, then you should be able to access your emails here.

Change Your Password and Reconfigure Your Account
Sometimes, after changing your ISP, your email client may need some form of reauthentication. Try changing your password and re-entering it into your email application. If that doesn’t work, try deleting your Bigpond account from your email client and re-adding it with the proper settings.
Reach Out to Bigpond Telstra Support

In case none of the suggestions provided resolve your problem, then the issue could be with Telstra. If this is the case, you can reach out to Bigpond support, and they can help resolve the issue. This may require resetting your account settings, or if other services are down, they can check. While explaining the issue, make sure to state that the problem began after the change of ISP, as this aids in diagnosing the issue.
While shifting ISPs might work for some, it can create new problems if you use Bigpond email. The modification of new internet settings or new providers’ limitations further complicates the issue. Solving this dilemma might include updating your server settings, changing SMTP ports, or checking your webmail access. Re-establishing connection to email through webmail may require contacting Bigpond support for assistance.

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