Bigpond Error Message “550 5.1.1 Recipient Rejected or does not Exist

The error message “5550.5.1.1 recipients rejected or does not exist typically means that the email server encountered an issue delivering the user message. Here we mention some of the possible reason if the users encounter suck kind of error:

  1.  Sometimes if the users address the incorrect recipients email address then the server will reject the message. The users have to make sure that there are no typos or error in the recipients email address.
  2. The users have to confirm that the recipients email account is active and properly configured. Make sure that the email address exists in the recipient’s mail server.
  3. The server will reject new message if the recipient’s mail box is full of message. To receive message the users should clear some space in the mail box. Make sure to delete only wanted message.
  4. If there are any spams or any suspicious activity in the users message then the recipient mail server will block the users email server.  To resolve this kind of situation the users are required to get in touch with Bigpond customer care or get help through their official Bigpond website.
  5. Sometimes the users server’s IP may be blacklisted it is due to rejection by recipients servers. In this situation the users can use online tools to check their server’s IP against blacklists and take necessary steps to resolve it.
  6. If the internet connection is poor then it might affect on email servers. The users must make sure that the internet connection is stable. To resolve this issue the users have to wait some time and retry again.
  7. The users are required to set up domain SPF configured correctly. If the SPF is not properly configured then it could lead to rejection.
  8. The users must check and confirm that the DNS settings which include MX records are correctly set up for their Domain.
  9. Sometimes the security software or firewall might block the email from being sent. Temporarily disable the security wall or antivirus and check the issue is resolved.

By these following steps the users are able to resolve the Bigpond error message “550.5.1.1 that is rejected by recipients or does not exists. If the problem still exists then consider getting in touch with Bigpond customer care or Bigpond Customer Care Number. They will provide plenty of information and assist you based upon the issues.

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