Bigpond Email problem sending over Aussie NBN

Due to various reasons the users have to face bad experiences regarding issues with sending emails through their Bigpond email over the Aussie NBN (National Broadband Network). Here we mention some steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issues:

1)    The users have to confirm that their internet connection is working in good condition. Poor internet conditions could lead to issues while sending email. The users can check if the internet connection is working properly or not by browsing websites or checking other online services.

2)    The users are required to use the correct SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server settings configuration in their email client. The outgoing server setting for Bigpond are usually:

·         For SMTP server use

·         For Port use 465 (SSL) or 587 (TLS)

·         For authentication the users are required to use their Bigpond email address and password.

3)    Sometimes the antivirus software or firewall setting can block the email client from sending messages. To resolve the issues the users have to temporarily disable the antivirus software or firewall and check if the issue persists or not.

4)    To prevent spam some of the internet server providers (ISPs) as well NBN providers may block certain ports. The users are required to confirm that their ISPs are not blocking the ports that are used for email communication.

5)    The users have to check and confirm that their email client is correctly configured. The users have to check with the account settings, especially the outgoing server details.  

6)    Some of the ISPs can block port 25 in that case the users have to try alternative SMTP ports such as port 587 or 465.

7)    The users are required to check with the SSL or TLS settings because some of the email providers require SSL or TLs for secure connections. The users have to make sure that they are using the correct encryption method in their email client settings.

8)    If the mailbox is full of emails the users may not be able to send new emails. The users have to check their email account storage quota and delete unnecessary email to send or receive new emails.

By these following steps the users are able to resolve the Bigpond Email problem sending over Aussie NBN. If the issue still persists, consider seeking help from Bigpond Customer Care Number. The professional representatives of Bigpond tech service will provide specific guidance based on their account and network setup. 

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