AFR News in Bigpond Email Receive Problem

Telstra runs BigPond which happens to be one of the most popular email service providers across Australia. Typically, users expect to receive important notifications on the BigPond email, including news from the Australian Financial Review. However, certain clients have difficulty receiving the AFR News on BigPond Email. This issue can be particularly annoying if you rely on AFR for business, financial, or general news updates.

How the Issue Occurs

There are various explanations for not receiving AFR news on the BigPond email account for users. In some instances, the emails are routed as junk and end up in the junk folder. In other situations, the emails might not be delivered due only to a problem with the user’s email server settings or perhaps server configurations as well. There is also the possibility of Telstra’s mail servers having a glitch.

Another possibility is that BigPond has some security protocols that block the AFR emails. Email services can often misidentify authentic emails, such as those sent by AFR, and mark them as spam because of certain phrases, attachments, or methods of bulk emailing.

Looking at Spam or Junk Folders

As with all issues, one of the first steps is checking your spam or junk folder. Sometimes, email providers tend to filter emails they think are too promotional or spam-related. If you come across some AFR emails in the spam folder, you should mark them as “Not Spam” or drag them to your inbox. Doing this will help the system know that these messages are essential and should not be placed on the filter list in the future.

Updating Safe Sender Lists

To further ensure that AFR News emails reach your inbox with no issues, ensure that the sender AFR’s email is included in your safe sender list. Within BigPond email, you can do this by going to settings, then adding the sender’s email under “Allowed” or “Safe Senders”. This action informs the system that you do trust emails that come from AFR, thus they will not be labeled spam.

Reviewing Email Filters

In case you have filters or rules set up in your BigPond email, they might be sending AFR News emails to a different folder or even deleting them altogether. Ensure that no active filter is stopping these emails from showing in your inbox. If you find unwanted filters, modify or delete them to avoid hindering the seamless delivery of these emails.

AFR and BigPond Support Contacting Assistance

If you have done the above-mentioned steps and still don’t see AFR News in your BigPond email, then it would warrant further investigation from customer support. Start first with contacting support from AFR and confirm whether there are any issues on their end for email receipts. Likewise, contacting BigPond or Telstra support can help in case there are some restrictions or blocks set up on your email.

An Alternative Email Address

If the issue persists and you need timely access to AFR News, consider using alternative email services such as Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo. These services often have more advanced spam filtering options, so switching to a different email provider will help you avoid the issues that BigPond email service has.

Final Thoughts

AFR News not showing up on your BigPond email can be very frustrating for those who need daily updates about business and financial news. The spam folder is often neglected, but checking it may solve the problem. Make sure to add the sender to your safe list, look over email filters, and contact the Bigpond Customer Support. And if these steps do not work, perhaps switching to a different email provider is your best option. Following these steps will guarantee that you receive news and updates from AFR without any interruptions.

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