If the email send by the users end was rejected by Bigpond mail server then error message “Bigpond fatal: error sending message: 5505.1.1” will appear on the screen. The error code “550 5.1.1” indicates the recipient’s email ID does not exist or not valid. The error “550 5.1.1” is a component of the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) response, where “550” symbolize constant failure and “5.1.1” indicates invalid or not existing of recipients email ID. Here we mention causes and solution for “Bigpond fatal: error sending message: 550 5.1.1”
Causes for “Bigpond fatal: error sending message: 550 5.1.1”
- If the users encountering “550 5.1.1” error there can be error or typos within the recipients email Id.
- Sometimes in rush hours clerical error can occur while addressing the recipients email ID. It can cause email to be undelivered.
- The recipients must use their email frequently. If their email Id is inactive for a long period or has been discontinued, email sent to their addresses will bounce back with a error “550 5.1.1”
- If the users email consists of attachments that violates polices of the email service, it could impact while sending the email and results “550 5.1.1” error.
- If there are DNS (Domain Name System) issues on sender as well as recipient’s side it will lead to email delivery failures to reach their destination.
What could be done to fix the “Bigpond fatal: error sending message: 550 5.1.1” issues:
- Make sure there double check while entering recipients email ID such as mistakes in the spellings, incorrect domain or an email address that doesn’t exists.
- While addressing the recipients email ID make sure to double check the characters, domain names, extra paces or upper and lower case.
- The users have to make sure to use their email Id continuously to make the status of the email account in good standing and active.
- The users have to check on their email setting and enable the spam filters. Activating the spam filter will prevent spam content and add security features on the users email id.
- The users have to check and correctly set up the system configuration for DNS (Domain Name System). If the users cannot configure then get support or assistance from the Bigpond customer care end.
To effectively address and fix the errors the users have to follow the above information. Sometimes there might be some other cause that might trigger “550 5.1.1” errors. To know more about updated information regarding “550 5.1.1” error get in touch with Bigpond Customer Service.